What to Do When Receive Accommodation Notification

Please view a student's accommodation letter as a conversation starter to determine how best to provide an accessible learning environment. If you have other ideas regarding how to create access for your course beyond what is listed in the accommodation notification, we encourage you to speak with the student to explore further modifications. You are also welcome to consult with our office to discuss course design, learning objectives, and reasonable access options. Please note that additional testing time should be added automatically to exams. However, there should be discussion with the student regarding testing at the DAS testing center if you cannot provide a reduced distraction area.

If you have any concerns about the feasibility of an accommodation in your course, please contact us in writing within 48 hours of receiving the accommodation notification. We want to learn more about your course design and collaborate on a plan that works for everyone. 

Note: It is important to never deny a student's accommodation approved by DAS without first consulting with our office. 

Students can register for accommodations at DAS and/or request accommodations in a course at any time during the semester. However, students are expected to make proactive requests within a reasonable timeframe. Accommodations are designed to be implemented at the point that you receive the accommodation notification moving forward. Retroactive accommodations should only be provided if specifically requested by DAS in the notification. We encourage you to consult with us when considering retroactive requests.