Testing Procedures

After you request your Accommodation Memos, you will need to reach out to your instructors to let them know you would like to test in our Testing Center. Instructors will need to fill out the Alternative Testing Agreement via the Instructor Portal on the AIM case management system. Instructors will need to add the testing dates through their portal.

Once the testing agreement has been completed, you may schedule your exams. Please note, all exams, tests, midterms, and quizzes are to be scheduled via AIM three business days in advance of the testing date. Final exams need to be scheduled five business days in advance of the testing date. If you miss the deadline for scheduling your test, you will need to make other arrangements to test with your instructor. If you run into an error, please contact our office as soon as possible.

As a reminder, you can schedule all exams, tests and quizzes on AIM as soon as you receive your syllabus. Instructors have been notified to add testing dates as soon as possible on AIM. Be aware if your instructor(s) would like for you to take the exam the same time/same day as the class or if you are able to schedule a different time/different day. If you have a scheduling conflict and are required to test same day/same time, you will need to get prior approval from your instructor via email to test at a different time.

Testing Reminders will be sent to instructors and students about scheduled exams, tests and quizzes 24 hours in advance and on Fridays for Monday appointments.

On the day of your test:

You will need to arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled exam time. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late from your scheduled exam time, you may be asked to reschedule. If you are running late, please let us know by giving our office a call.

When you arrive your test, you will be asked to place any items that you are not allowed to have during the test in our secure lockers. This includes cell phones, smart watches, earbuds/ear phones, laptops and tablets (that are not pre-approved from your instructor). If a locker is not available, you will be able to place items a DAS staff member’s office. For your convenience, most of our lockers have been equipped with an outlet to charge your electronic devices while you test.  

Our Testing Center has several cameras to monitor students as they test. This allows students to test without having the proctor in the room with them. There is a camera above each desk and several leading up to the center.

Once you have completed your exam:

Please use the cleaning wipes provided on the desk to clean the desk you used. Please use the trash can in the Testing Center to dispose of any trash. If you used the desk lamp, please turn it off before leaving the Testing Center. Please push in your chair and return any items you may have borrowed from DAS staff.

Please turn in the exam, Scranton, notes (if instructor requested) to a DAS staff member. If a DAS staff member is not present or assisting another student please wait for one to be available.

Have questions or need help?  You can email (das@nmsu.edu), call (575-646-6840), or join us during one of our Monday, Wednesday, or Friday drop-in sessions at 10-11 a.m. (join through clicking the Access Key at das.nmsu.edu).