You must bring in documentation supporting your needed accommodation, fill out our Academic Accommodation Application, submit an Academic Accommodation Verification Form, and meet with the DAS Office before you can be accommodated.
Possible accommodations include, but may not be limited to:
- Sign Language Interpreters – Contact the Accessibility Specialist through the DAS office. Students who use sign language interpreters for classroom use must inform the scheduled interpreter if they will be unable to attend class prior to the beginning of class in which these services are used.
- Alternate Text – DAS is registered with Learning Ally (formerly Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic – RFB&D). In addition, electronic text can be requested in several formats.
- Equipment Loan – Special equipment can be checked out on a short term basis by students registered with DAS. Adaptive equipment is also available in the Zuhl Library and some computer labs.
- Assistive Technology – Assistive technology is available for all DAS students who might benefit from its use. Contact the DAS office for information.
- Notetaking Services – Eligible students may receive notetaking software or devices.
- Readers – Are hired through the DAS Office to read exams and quizzes.
- Early Registration – available for only those students qualified and actively utilizing services from DAS each semester.
- Testing –Extended time, quiet location, scribes, proctors and/or readers for exams.
Please contact the DAS office for more details and if you have any questions
Housing Accommodations:
The Office of Disability Access Services (DAS) and Housing and Residential Life at NMSU work together to ensure that students with disabilities can participate in all Residence Life programs.
If you have a disability and need to request reasonable modifications for housing or need access to an emotional support animal, please complete the forms below and submit to the DAS office. If your provider will be submitting documentation instead of the below verification forms, the same questions in the below verification forms should still be addressed. (PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLYING FOR HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE FOR COMPLETING A HOUSING APPLICATION. YOU MUST STILL APPLY FOR HOUSING ON THE HOUSING WEBSITE.)
- Housing/ESA Accommodation Application – to be filled out by the student when requesting a housing accommodation or to be considered for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Accommodation.
- Housing Verification Form – This form is to be completed by a licensed clinical professional or health care provider familiar with the history and functional limitations of the student’s condition(s).
- Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Verification Form- This form is to be completed by the licensed clinical professional or health care provider that is recommending the ESA and is familiar with the history and functional limitations of the student's condition(s).
- Roommate Agreement Form- This form is to be completed when making an ESA accommodation request and you have roommates/suitemates. All roommates/suitemates must sign the form indicating that they agree to allowing the ESA in the same room. Approved ESA's are only to remain in the student's room who is approved for the ESA and should not be in the common areas.
Please note that timely housing applications and requests for accessibility are critical if you wish to have accessible housing when you arrive on campus. See our how to apply for housing/ESA accommodations procedures in the Getting Started section.
An emotional support animal cannot be brought on campus housing until it is approved through the Disability Access Services office. Be advised that students are required to have a tag for their approved ESA issued by the DAS office. Approved ESA's must be wearing the tag at all times.