Whether you are seeking to get involved in a student organization, or discover what events are happening within the NMSU community, Crimson Connection is your pathway to connecting with student life and getting involved with the community.
Crimson Connection has both a public version of the site as well as a customized view with additional content for campus users who are logged in using their Aggie ID username.
The Explore view is the default view when users log into the community.
Clicking on Explore will take you to the community home page, where users can see important campus alerts, their organization memberships, check out upcoming events, read news and articles, and find helpful Campus Links.
The Explore view is also where users can view organization pages and access content created by organization officers or administrators. Every user in the community will have access to the Explore View.
The public Crimson Connection site is accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Organizations in Crimson Connection can choose whether the events and content they create is shown to “Anyone in the World”, “Students & staff at Crimson Connection” (users must be logged in with their Aggie ID username), or “Organization Members” (only visible to members on their roster).
The white tool bar is how you will navigate around the site
Home- will always take you back to the explore page.
Events- takes you to campus events.
-Clicking Events in the white toolbar will allow logged in users to access the complete listing of events registered to “Anyone in the world” and “Students & staff at Crimson Connection.” Events that are visible to organization members only will also be shown here, if you are a member of that organization. Search for events by date, name, theme, category, and perks.
Organizations-shows you registered student organizations on campus as well as residence halls, residence hall communities, and departments in the system.
-Clicking Organizations in the top toolbar will allow the user to access the complete listing of organizations in the system. Search for organizations alphabetically by name, or by category. Clicking on an organization’s name will provide basic profile information for that organization as well as any content they have chosen to display publicly or to campus users.
Forms- this will show you all the campus wide forms available for students.
- Forms will be available campus wide for students to fill out. These will include the Officer Addendum Form, sUAS Drone forms, department forms, and any forms required for students in the system.
News- allows users to read news articles posted or imported by student organizations and departments at NMSU.
-The news feed displays all news articles posted by organizations. The news feed always displays “Public” articles and will also display “Campus Only” articles when a user is logged in.